In general, the higher the speed, requires that the higher the running smoothness of! So the work of motor bearing clearance requires less. At the same time need higher precision bearing (Mainly refers to the rotation accuracy), in addition, the lubricating oil of allowable DN value also need to ascend to the degree of match.
lard gap of high-speed motor should be selected in the motor bearing, thus bearing in high speed, produce heat expansion, so have to lard gap, if with a small clearance, bearing sudden death. Low speed motor can be. Also according to the motor and wheelbase for clearance of silicon steel sheet. If the motor inside the small gap, also cannot use big clearance! Must be selected to withstand the motor speed of high-speed motor bearing. motor bearing radial clearance, must according to the specific composition and of the bearing and shaft neck, selected from the concept of vibration noise reduction, clearance, but do not pay attention to the bearing and the journal. the right choice is to raise the bearing and shaft neck under the premise of dimensional precision, compression clearance value range. For effective damping noise reduction, the motor bearing radial clearance generally in GB/T4604-93 rules & other0'Group on the basis of the compression.