First of all, the ARM core, has now become a standard method of its platform and a large number of development tools is the key to saving cost; second, if the next generation of product design need higher processing speed,MIPS), you can upgrade to arm9-based products directly. From an architectural point of view, barrel shifter is very interesting, it allows optimization variable resolution in the whole process. You can change the format in one clock cycle to limit in order to achieve the purpose of processing time, in addition, it allows the use of constant save some multiplication, such as r0 = (r1<<4)-R1 is equivalent to r0 = 15 xr1, even faster. Low-cost DSP core 16 fixed point. When must deal with PI regulator integral item or extended scope of the required accuracy, ARM7 32-bit data channel to avoid multiple 16-bit load. When motor control signal processing, DSP the other important function of not much use, for example, a hardware closed-loop and double addressing mode. These to some extent, explain why people put the ARM7 processor can such optimization architecture.
as shown in figure 3 is a new STR7 products, product development based on ARM7 processor for ST, can satisfy the system requirements outlined above. Main features include:
SPTimer synchronous PWM timer, brushless motor execution high-end PWM signal generating function, based on a 16-bit timer, time resolution can be reduced to 16. 6 ns, achieve the best voltage reconstruction;
can produce center or edge alignment of PWM graphics;
inverter fault handling the required internal programmable signal generator and the dead zone time emergency fault protection function;
to simplify the software processing tasks, using multiple interrupt sources, a programmable overloading rate and & otherSmoking is prohibited & throughout; Because out of control and protection, in order to prevent the software modification system important peripheral configuration register.
figure 3 new STR7 products
the SPTimer also can be used as a generic timer, with two input capture pin, comparison of two output pin, and can minimize the software cost model of encoder is special. This mode has the x2, x4 resolution or direction of automatic management, can give the selected coder line programming, therefore can be read from the counter register directly rotor Angle signal. In view of the current measurement function, built a new products which has the function of automatic scanning 3 & mu; S 10 AD converter. The main peripheral interface include multiple timers, communication interface, etc. Considering the single chip microcomputer processing of motor control task, we design the intelligent peripherals, on the circuit board as connection terminals, power factor correction, energy consumption braking, etc. stmicroelectronics concentrate on development of motor control market, is the world's only a few have the ability to provide a complete motor control suppliers, one of the company's portfolio of products ranging from fast diode to processors, including high pressure gate drives and switch. In order to satisfy more energy-saving & other; Green & throughout; Requirements of the motor and high performance, we construct an ARM as the core of a complete product line, to help designers to uncover the mysteries of the vector control algorithm.