Generally the precision of the stepper motor step Angle of 3 -5%, and do not accumulate. Allow the highest temperature of stepper motor appearance. stepper motor temperature will make the first motor demagnetization of magnetic materials, which can lead to torque decline and even out of step, so the motor appearance allows the highest temperature should depend on different points of demagnetization magnetic material; Demagnetization of magnetic materials, in general, some are above 130 degrees Celsius, some even as high as 200 degrees Celsius above, so the temperature in Celsius 80 - step motor appearance90 degree completely normal. Stepper motor torque vary with the increase of rotational speed will be reduced. when step motor rotation, the motor of each phase winding inductance will form a reverse electromotive force; The higher the frequency, the greater the back emf. Under the function of it, the motor with frequency (Or speed)The phase current decreases, which leads to torque decline. Stepper motor at low speed can operate properly, but if the above a certain speed won't be able to start, accompanied by squeaking noise. stepper motor has a technical parameters: no-load start frequency, the stepper motor under the condition of light pulse frequency can normal boot, if the pulse frequency is higher than the value, the motor does not start properly, may be lost or blocked. In the load cases, start frequency should be lower. If you want to make the motor to achieve high-speed rotation, the pulse frequency should be to accelerate the process, namely the start frequency is low, and then in a certain high frequency acceleration to want (Motor speed from low speed to high speed)。 stepper motor with its remarkable characteristics, in the era of digital manufacture plays a significant purpose. With the development of digital technology and stepper motor itself, improve technology, stepping motor will be applied in more fields.