Understand more fully know the stepper motor, the motor has three kinds of operation mode, so it is widely, to play in a variety of different applications the corresponding function. Come to this kind of motor are presented in this paper three kinds of operation mode, to introduce simple: stepper motor operation mode as the main generator, motor and compensation machine operation of the three. Among them as a generator to run, is the main way to run the motor, and as a motor running is its another important operation mode, compared with machine to run the application as a compensation and not much more special. Specific stepper motor in various operation modes on the performance, will be run as a motor, because of the power factor can be adjusted, without requiring speed, using large-scale stepper motor can effectively improve the operation efficiency, which has the function very good performance. In step motor connected into power grid as stepping compensation machine to use, without any mechanical load, relying on the adjustment of rotor exciting current flow to the grid from the inductive or capacitive reactive power, to improve the power factor or the purpose of the power grid voltage adjustment. Through the above three kinds of operation modes of the stepper motor is introduced, we should be able to have a more clear understanding of the motor. the main products: stepper motor, brushless motor, servo motor, stepping motor drive, brake motor, linear motor and other kinds of models of the stepper motor, welcome to inquire. Telephone: