
Committed to the development and manufacturing of high-quality high-voltage brushless motors and controllers.

How to allocate the proportion of motor controller paid advertising?

by:Hoprio     2020-08-10
As a new brushless dc motor controller manufacturers, the main controller in the marketing direction of motor is network marketing channels, hope by the power of the web to expand awareness, this also is many companies now use method, it is very important to choose the appropriate promotion platform.

at present in China, baidu still occupy the top of the market share of the Internet, Google has withdrawn from mainland China. Competition market share Internet is a war of no gunpowder smoke, in imperceptible in these Numbers have changed. Below is analysys data report:

these changes in search engine market share, has a great influence on the advertising also. We will adjust according to the data, of course, there is still mainly on baidu. Subsequent turn into a case, to see what search engine market share change.
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