Electrical network timely cleaning and protection of dc torque motor, can progress in the process of the torque motor in the operation of security, and can prolong the use of motor life. Now many of the dc torque motor unit may be the operator can't put this link pay attention to it. Security no small matter, for this link pay attention to the current scene, really should be greatly enhance the attention degree. About the process of cleaning and protection of dc torque motor, the first important thing is to block the power, that is also the first to be clean and protection process of security not missing important link. Next is to be strict in accordance with the dc torque motor clean and protection processes process instructions for the operation, strict cleaning process requirements of equipment may be tools are used to to clean and protect the torque motor. Cleaning time should be in accordance with the frequency of the motor using and using environment for never sure about cleaning and protecting the cycle. In the process of cleaning and inspection if found the problem, should timely adjust may replace the corresponding parts. If need to replace parts, need according to the requirement of the factory, to the designated after-sales service address may be designated as the standard and replacement parts, lest because components don't match may replace technology is not standard operation process of safety accidents caused by equipment.