every friend of position sensor using brushless motor controller will not be unfamiliar. So what is the role position sensor? The principle of how again? The following brand brushless motor controller factory by small make up for your explanation: position sensor in the brushless motor controller plays a role that can locate the position of the rotor magnetic pole, to provide the correct logical switch circuit in the phase information, the rotor magnetic pole position signal into electrical signal, and then to control the phase of the stator winding. Position sensor sort is more, and each has its characteristics. State manufacturer brand extension brushless motor controller of brushless dc motor controller position sensor has the following three kinds of commonly used, respectively is magnetic sensors, magnetic susceptibility type location proximity sensors, photoelectric position sensor. (1)Electromagnetic position sensor in brushless dc motor controller, use morer is open the transformer. Used for three-phase brushless dc motor controller opening transformer consists of two parts, rotor stator and tracking. Stator generally there are six pole, the interval between them is 60 degrees respectively, three of them in a winding around, and in series with high frequency power supply, after another three pole respectively on secondary winding around the WA, WB, WC. Magnetic susceptibility (2)Magnetic susceptibility type position sensor is to point to some of its electrical parameters change with the surrounding magnetic field according to certain rule semiconductor sensitive elements. The basic principle of hall effect and the magnetic resistance effect. Common magnetic sensor with hall element or hall integrated circuit, magnetic sensitive resistor and magnetic susceptibility diode, etc. Photoelectric (3)Photoelectric position sensor is made use of the photoelectric effect, by following the rotor motor controller with rotating bezel and stationary sources, photocell parts, etc. Brushless motor controller is a combination of motor controller, microelectronics, control and computer technology in one high-tech product. Brushless motor controller in the medical, industrial control, automotive electronics and consumer electronics and other high precision control industries widely used. http://www。 tcmotor。 com/