Stepper motor drives, is the use of the pulse signal from the controller that accept to point to drive the stepper motor running, he is in middle position in the whole control links: the controller -—Motor drive -—Stepper motor. Stepper motor drives have single shaft drives and biaxial drives. We usually use are single shaft drive, as well as a stepper motor drives will be treated as the pulse signal after transfer to a devoted into the motor, and double-axis stepper motor drives is a motor drives after processing the pulse signal transfer to two stepper motors, namely a driver to drive the two stepping motors, currently on the market of biaxial are rare. The following is a simple biaxial stepper motor drives the wiring diagram and its advantages: the main products: stepper motor, brushless motor, servo motor, stepping motor drive, brake motor, linear motor and other kinds of models of the stepper motor, welcome to inquire. Telephone: